SATA expands client portfolio

Arshard Munir, General Manager, Sharjah Airport Travel Agency (SATA), shares that at WTM this year in London, SATA will be showcasing a multitude of offerings, from flight bookings to accommodation and visa.

TT Bureau

For Sharjah Airport Travel Agency, an agency owned and operated by Sharjah Airport Authority, Eastern Europe has continued to gain popularity with Air Arabia’s direct flights to Vienna and Prague receiving tremendous response. Arshard Munir adds that while Croatia, Hungary, Bulgaria, and Romania have also received good response as affordable holiday destinations that provide value for money, certain parts of Africa have also witnessed an increase in bookings.

Sharing recent developments at the agency, Munir says, “SATA provides the full package with competitive flight and hotel rates as well as a very active and professional global visa section that handles all visa requests. SATA has been appointed the General Sales Agent (GSA) for Peace Air (Nigerian airline) along with Passenger Sales Agent (PSA) Northern Emirates for Flynas, Egypt Air, and Uzbekistan Airlines. The ticket sales to these destinations have shown an upward trend due to an active sales promotion by SATA staff.”

At the World Travel Market this year, SATA aims to showcase its professional, competitive, and reliable services that range from air tickets and hotels to transfers, local attractions, and visas. Munir shares, “WTM is an ideal platform to meet various suppliers looking for a reliable and professional partner in the UAE. With the world moving towards a digital arena, distance and time no longer pose a hindrance to international business deals. SATA has also proven to be a reliable MiCE operator, effectively raising the quality of service. At WTM this year, we will be showcasing active holidays, MiCE and educational tours, as well as an online booking portal.”

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