Travel Shop Assurance

Shopping while travelling either for leisure or business is very common. Major shopping festivals around the world running to packed houses are evidence enough. Fardan Haneef, Director, Deira Travel talks with TTME about Travel Shop Assurance, a unique travel protection programme.

Can a traveller’s shopping be protected?
Travellers need to be made aware of the fact that their precious shopping needs a safety cover as much as they do. Tune Protect along with its local partners have ensured a unique travel protection programme for
this specific need or niche traveller called the Travel Shop Assurance.

The right product can protect a traveller’s shopping. While it takes some research to know how travellers need to stay safe from thefts in foreign lands, it takes a single protection programme like Travel Shop Assurance to protect travellers from mishaps.

What does Travel Shop Assurance include?
The Travel Shop Assurance not only covers a traveller’s shopping, but also includes protection for cash and personal valuables during travel. In addition, it covers ‘fraudulent charges’ and offers ATM withdrawal protection. It also includes medical reimbursement of up to US$ 600 in the event of a medical mishap in situations where the person being robbed also suffers an injury.

What is unique about this product?
The policy itself is uniquely designed to cover ‘shopping’. But having seen that travellers are spending huge amounts of money on shopping when they travel; while some are actually travelling only to shop, this policy has been introduced at the right time. It will provide a certain peace of mind to traveller-shoppers and give their shopping a boost too. And it can be clubbed with other travel protection products.

Tune Protect and its local partners are completely in tune with the needs of travellers when it comes to protecting them and their specific interests. This partnership ensures peace of mind.

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