Modernise business to beat disruptors

Due to unparalleled digital landscape, a range of external influences impact hospitality business. To face these ‘disruptors’, industry experts should address these issues in the early stages to be on a par with competition. TT Bureau A special session, held recently at Arabian Hotel Investment Conference (AHIC) in Ras Al …

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Emerging technologies in travel

Once again, Sabre Corporation will sponsor the Travel Technology Theatre at Arabian Travel Market 2019. Experts will showcase latest technology in the travel and hospitality. TT Bureau Conducting seminar programmes at Arabian Travel Market (ATM) 2019, Sabre will host the first show of Travel Tech Theatre on the theme ‘Glimpse …

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Intellectual disability awareness

Travelport launched a global awareness campaign to use the DPNA Special Service Request (SSR) code, which can be used by travel agents to alert airlines when a passenger has an intellectual or developmental disability and needs assistance. TT Bureau Travelport initiated the campaign for use of the DPNA (Disabled Passenger …

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More agents on-board NDC

Following the successful implementation of its NDC roadmap during 2018, Travelport has completed the onboarding of the first group of travel agencies to receive access to NDC content. TT Bureau UK-based travel agency Meon Valley completed the first live booking using NDC content through Travelport’s Smartpoint desktop in October 2018. …

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Innovate & inspire with Champions Club

Following the successful launch of the Amadeus Champions Club in the Gulf in 2017, Amadeus has expanded the remit of its knowledge-sharing initiative. The club connects local travel agents and other industry leaders to review new policies and develop mutually-beneficial market intelligence. In the year ahead, Amadeus will be offering …

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‘In-destination services’ at Tryps.Tech

Nabil El-Shafeay, CEO, Tryps.Tech shares information and special aspects of the first and only online distributor specialised in the in-destination tours, activities, attraction tickets, transfers and airport lounges, etc, worldwide fully localised in Arabic. TT Bureau Share a brief of the ventures undertaken by Tryps.Tech. Tryps.Tech is the first and …

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‘Customer is the king’

Serving the travel industry for the past two decades, Kathryn Wallington, Country Manager—UAE, Travelport, shares how she realised her fascination for travel, to explore the world and its many cultures, and her vision and growth plan for the company. Shehara Rizly Kathryn Wallington took the reins as Country Manager UAE …

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Oneview manages services for TMCs

Oneview has been serving the travel industry in the Middle East for the past seven years. Jauhar Abdul Gafoor, who recently took up reins as Chief Executive Officer, Oneview IT Solutions, shares his plans and aspirations for the year ahead. TT Bureau Tell us about your key plans for Oneview. …

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Wego enables ROIs for airlines

Wego enables airlines to have a greater visibility online with access to a wider direct customer base. Dean Wicks, Chief Flights Officer, Wego, talks about how the travel search engine empowers airlines to sell more seats and showcase their brand offering to a much wider audience. Wego is an aggregator …

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Value of blockchain for travel

Andy Bell,  Enterprise Business Architect, Travelport The 2017 Gartner Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies categorised blockchain as being in the ‘Peak of Inflated Expectations’. But is this true for the travel industry? At Travelport, architects have been investigating the implications of blockchain, both for their business and the wider travel sector. In …

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